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Posted by on 2014/02/12 under Uncategorized

I am 18 years old, I admit i am not a sentimental person, but lately i always feel like im emotional.
I tend to get anxiety or panic attacks every now and then That i’ve fainted several times.
Lately i’ve been feeling on and off. I feel empty, i dont have any one
to talk to, even when i have loads of friends, i dont bother telling stories because
i figure no one really cares about you. Every time im feeling down i just shut my feelings
off by making myself busy with something else. And ive been doing that for as long as i
can remember and i feel like that is slowly crushing me. I dont open up anymore. I keep
everything to myself. Guess i would say i became a very cold person now. I am very insecure,
and people’s words somehow affects me deep, as of my age i am very very short (4″8) and i
am positive that isnt normal, It bothers me so much. I tried to look at the bright side,
everyone isnt perfect. I get told off that im never good enough & that just puts me down.
My emotions were all over the place lately, every now and then i tend to cry for absolutely
no apparent reason, there is always that sad feeling i have in my chest. With that being
said, i have low self esteem, and always tell myself that i cant do something and im afraid
that its starting to take over me.I feel like crap every single day, my days are filled
with regrets, guilt and ‘what ifs’, and all the little things haunts me. I have really
difficult time to getting to sleep now.I never stopped worrying. Why do i always feel like
this? How do i get rid of feeling like crap every single day?

I just want to be happy and stay happy.

One thought on “Is it depression?

  1. SM says:

    I’m going through the same things that you are. However, because I’m too cold, I don’t truly care about what people say or think about me, which makes me feel secure and I come off as being a confident person. So, there’s a bright side to it?

    I don’t really know how you can get rid of feeling this way but try going to a therapist. I would love to go to a therapist because I’ve heard that they’re a great help, but people in my country believe that if you go to a therapist, you’ve got a mental disorder!

    Other suggestions: Exercise, create a blog and write your feelings and thoughts, find some hobbies, or learn a new language.

    I think finding something that you’re really interested in and working on it will fill up that feeling of emptiness within you!

    Good luck <3

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